We are men and women from area churches who wish to share, show, and learn the love of Jesus Christ–not only in our region, but wherever the road may take us.
The meaning of the A.F.C. Patch: its design and colors.
A rider silhouetted in white entwined with silver, bearing a red cross, all on a black background. The black background signifies the sins of our past, that we have been brought out of by the grace of God, “Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (NIV) The rider silhouetted in silver signifies how we should strive to be more like our Lord and Savior. Just as a silver smith works with silver, burning out impurities with his refining fire, until he can see himself in the finished silver. So too does Jesus bring us through test and trials until He can see Himself in us. Not that we may boast, for it is nothing that we ourselves can do. “Eph. 2:8 – 9 For it is by grace that you have been saved, through faith – and this is not of yourselves, it is a gift from God, not by works, so that no man can boast.” (NIV) The red signifies the blood of Christ Jesus, which has cleansed us of our sins. For it is only by His blood that we are saved and made as white as snow. The white that outlines the lettering of Ambassadors For Christ, is to remind us that the blood of Jesus washes us as clean as snow.
Also, the rider who is holding the cross, notice that the hand holding the cross is the right hand, the hand usually controlling the throttle. This signifies that we are following our Lord, giving Him the control and not taking control ourselves. Also, the cross is blocking the face of the rider to also signify that the cross covers “All” every man, woman, young and old, black, red, white and yellow. “John 3:16 for God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” “Matthew 16:24 if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” (NIV)
AFC Direction & Vision
What we are trying to do is grow together and grow stronger. Small Groups, ministries, social groups, as we grow together, the stronger the ministry becomes as well. We should be inviting friends, inviting non-church going friends, family members, co-workers, out to rides, meetings. Meetings, 1st – 3rd Sat. Rides on the 2nd – 4th. Commitment, we are a “motorcycle ministry”. Ministry is the main word here. Yes AFC is involved with Angel Food Ministry, and I wish to thank each of you who have given up a Saturday morning to help with AFM. But there is so much more we can be and should be doing in our community and area.
Growing Together
Small groups, and other ministries in C.L.C. as well as in other churches (what I’ve learned from trips to Willow Creek in Chicago), when they meet weekly, socially and/or for studies, they grow together and become stronger in the community and as a group as well. This is also what we are working on. It doesn’t always have to be a meeting, but just coming together, as a group, strengthens the group. A game night, movie night, a fishing trip, a ride, a shore trip, a trip to a museum, etc. The bowling team was started with this in mind, as a way to stay and grow together over the winter months, you don’t think I bowl because I enjoy bowling so badly? No, I enjoy the fellowship. But the commitment is up to each of us.
Meetings, Commitment
Commitment to meetings. We have & had people come out for a meeting or two. They come out wanting to know more about A.F.C., checking us out, for those of us who do both meeting days (1st & 3rd), we see the difference in attendance. These new people who come out see that the 1st has got people, the 3rd hasn’t. Why should they show up if we as members don’t have to, don’t want to … don’t. If this is a new believer coming out to find Christ, what kind of image our we sending? You can be a part-time Christ follower? If this is already a believer, what kind of message does this send? That we do not care enough to be with each other? This is not only a commitment to A.F.C. as a ministry and meeting days, but also a commitment to each of us and to ours brothers and sisters who give of their time.
Church Runs
Church Runs was and is a big favorite on the questionnaire, 99.9 % said they enjoy, they favor and believe this is not only beneficial to A.F.C., but to other churches and communities as well. Again, we need and we ask for your commitment to make this work. We ask 1 Sunday a month, for only 5 or 6 months out of twelve. So we ask that you take part in this event.
Events, Invitations
Cycle events and outings. This was another big hit on the questionnaire and it should be. We are to go out into the mission field. We should be about going out to the people, the ones who are still wandering around in the darkness. This is why we learn “Sharing My Faith”, why we began as a ministry to begin with. And, this is a big AND, you don’t have to have a cycle to participate at these events. Yes, it is fun to ride to these events, but if you say “I’m not going, because I don’t have a bike”, is it about you or serving the Lord? What do we do, once we are there? We walk around, we don’t ride around the event, we get off our bikes, and walk. So, it is just as easy to “get out of your car/truck/etc.” and walk around with us. And as most of you know, I have and still do, offer my ride to anyone and everyone. I will drive while “YOU” ride my bike. So, these events, should not be about us or about us not having a bike, it should be about reaching those lost in the darkness. You might meet that one person who may be without a bike just now also, so you can relate to them, feel what they feel, and use that to bridge the gap and talk with them. Also, these are great events to invite a friend, family member, co-worker out to. They may not wish to come to meetings or Bible study, but they would go to a ride or an event, invite them out.
A.F.C. m/m … motorcycle ministry, we are supposed to be a ministry. Yes we help with Angel Food Ministry and I thank each of you, who gives up a Saturday morning to go and help there. But we could, should be doing more … raising funds, food and clothing for the homeless shelter. Collecting for those still overseas in our armed forces. What is happening in and around our community? Where can A.F.C. be a part of, help with?
Working alongside other ministries/clubs
Working with other ministries and/or clubs. AFC has a vision, all that we have been talking about and more. Growing together, reaching out to the lost, and serving God. Now there has been and will be times when A.F.C. will partner up with other ministries and clubs. The different ministries and clubs from just the G.O.T.T. are now trying to do different runs and rides together. As different events or runs come up, the leaders of these ministries work together for ease and clarity for each group. Soldiers For Christ, Bikers For Christ, Disciples For Christ, Sons Of God, Christian Motorcycle Association, Rugged Cross, Trinity and many others, too many to name.